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Play Indoor Tennis and Pickleball in Sartell, MN

Our climate-controlled indoor bubble boasts 5 indoor tennis courts that can accommodate 6 pickleball courts, ensuring consistent playing conditions that are free from weather interruptions.

Join us for fun, engaging, and productive tennis lessons that will elevate your game to the next level! In-door tennis lessons at our academy provide a perfect environment for players of all ages and skill levels to improve their game year-round. Our coach Liam Mills offers personalized instruction tailored to each player’s needs, focusing on technique, strategy, and overall fitness. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or an advanced player refining your skills, our private and group lessons are designed to help you reach your goals.

New to the game of pickleball? Our experienced instructors will teach you the basics of the engaging sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. Reserve a private lesson or join a clinic to learn in a fun group environment.  Grab some friends and sign up for our exciting and enjoyable pickleball leagues.

Reserve Now

Sta-FIT Tennis Academy

High School Tennis Academy

Specializing in the player who wants to maximize their game. We utilize numerous training resources including film, group practices, and match play. Every group is limited to 8 players to provide the best instruction possible.

  • Cost $375 (limit of 8 participants)
  • 6-week sessions for 2 hours, includes t-shirt


Private/Group Lessons

We provide private and group lessons for all ages and abilities. Whatever your next level is, we will get you there. Kids to adults. Beginners to pros. Your lesson experience will always be productive,

meaningful, and fun!

Individual Tennis Private Lesson Member Price: $95 per hour

Individual Tennis Private Lesson Non-Member Price:  $105 per hour

Lessons can be booked via:

Group Rate Private Lessons

Members: $95 per hour with up to four players

Non-Members: $105 per hour with up to four players

**Limited Availability**

Lessons can be booked via:


Junior Tennis League

Peewee Ages 5-7

About the Course:  Ages 5-7 tennis is all about getting on the tennis court and having fun. The class is designed to teach young kids the fundamentals and encourage play though the sport of tennis.

Class length: 60 minutes

Days/Time Offered: Saturdays: 10am-11am

Cost: $150


Fall Session: Saturdays November 2, November 9, November 16, November 23, and November 30

Winter Session: Saturday, January 4, January 11, January 18, January 25, February 1, 2025

Session length: 5 weeks (1 class per week)

What to bring: Water and a racquet. Junior racquets are available upon request.

Do I need to be a Sta-Fit member? No.


Tennis Ages 8-10

About the course:  Ages 8-10 tennis is all about teaching the fundamentals of tennis. We focus on creating an enjoyable atmosphere for every player that helps build a solid foundation for a lifetime sport.

Class length: 60 minutes

Days/Time Offered: Saturdays: 11:15am-12:15pm

Cost: $150


Fall Session: Saturdays November 2, November 9, November 16, November 23, and November 30

Winter Session: Saturday, January 4, January 11, January 18, January 25, February 1, 2025

Session length: 5 weeks (1 class per week)

What to bring: Water and a racquet. Junior racquets are available upon request.

Do I need to be a Sta-Fit member? No.

Tennis Ages 11-14

About the course:  Ages 11 – 14 tennis is for players with some experience on the tennis court. Players have a general knowledge of all strokes and are able to maintain a short rally. It’s the perfect class for showing players how awesome the sport of tennis can be.

Class length: 60 minutes

Days/Time Offered: Saturdays: 1-2pm

Cost: $150


Fall Session: Saturdays November 2, November 9, November 16, November 23, and November 30

Winter Session: Saturday, January 4, January 11, January 18, January 25, February 1, 2025

Session length: 5 weeks (1 class per week)

What to bring: Water and a racquet.

Do I need to be a Sta-Fit member? No.

High School Drills

About this course: High School Drills are for JV and varsity tennis players looking to improve their tennis game during the indoor tennis season. It’s the perfect combination of fun and instruction to keep your game improving all winter long.


Class length: 90 minutes

Time offered: 6:30pm-8pm

Cost: $175


Fall session Monday evening
11/11, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9

Winter Sessions:

Winter Session 1- Monday evening
1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3

Winter Session 2- Thursday evening
1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6

Winter Session 3- Wednesday evening
1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26

Session length: 5 weeks (1 class per week)

What to bring: Water and a racquet.

Do I need to be a Sta-Fit member? No.

Sta-FIT Pickleball Lessons, Clinics & Leagues

Pickleball Lessons

Pickleball Lesson Membership Rate:  $75/one-hour private pickleball lesson

Pickleball Lesson Non-member Rate:  $85/one-hour private pickleball lesson

Lessons can be booked via:

Pickleball Clinics

Pickleball Clinic Membership Rate:  $35/lesson

Pickleball Clinic Non-member Rate: $45/lesson

Clinics can be booked via:

Pickleball League Mixed Doubles

Days/Times: Thursdays November 7 through January 23, 2025

Thursday Evenings 7-9pm

Pickleball League Pricing:

Members: $125 per team

Non-Members: $155 per team

Please Note: There are no refunds given after the session has begun or for missed classes. If you

withdraw from a class prior to the start, you will have one option, 100% refund for a future class,

court time, or lessons in the form of a club credit.

League teams can be booked via:

Liam Mills

Tennis and Pickleball Instructor

Liam Mills is a passionate and dedicated tennis and pickleball instructor with a love for helping players of all ages and skill levels reach their full potential. With years of experience on the court, Liam brings a wealth of knowledge and a positive attitude to every lesson, making learning both effective and enjoyable.

As a seasoned instructor, Liam has a proven track record of enhancing players’ skills through personalized coaching, focusing on technique, strategy, and the mental aspects of the game. His dynamic approach to instruction ensures that each session is tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of his students, whether they’re just starting out or looking to refine their advanced techniques.

Outside of teaching, Liam is an avid player himself, continuously honing his skills and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in both tennis and pickleball. His enthusiasm for the sports extends beyond the court, as he actively participates in local leagues and tournaments, embodying the spirit of competition and camaraderie.

In addition to his technical expertise, Liam is known for his approachable and encouraging demeanor, creating a supportive environment where players feel motivated to push their limits and achieve their best. His commitment to fostering a love for the game is evident in the progress and success of his students.

When he’s not on the court, Liam enjoys exploring new techniques, staying fit, and engaging with the broader tennis and pickleball community. His dedication to the sport and his students makes him a valuable asset to anyone looking to improve their game and have fun doing it.

Liam Mills

Email Questions to Liam at

Sta-Fit Pickeball

*Please contact Nicole directly for further info at

Players enjoy pickleball at StaFit Indoor courts

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